Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ni Hao

China was even more interesting. We arrived in Shanghai and I opted to travel with the ship (in transit for two days) to Hong Kong. I spent too much money for my budget in Japan, so this was the better option. While I missed two days of exploration in China, I still had a pretty awesome time. Someone donate a field program ticket (City Orientation: Historic Hong Kong) and I was able to experience enough of Hong Kong to say that I had a great time. The pictures are highlights of the trip; as I am taking advantage of the free wifi I found here in Singapore to upload them for you.  Please feel free to email me with questions about the pictures. I am working on developing some correspondence (Port Reports) that summarize my experiences in port! While in China I stayed close to the ship, as I ran into some financial issues, but that didn't stop me from being traveler! Take a look!

My laptop is dying so I'll have to come back and rotate the photos and add captions later!